PulsaCoil A Class Red Light Flashing Slow Or Fast?
PulsaCoil A Class red light flashing can mean a few things.
We will quickly cover what it can mean and how it can impact you. It is better that the red light flashes and tell you a fault exists, then not flashing and a major problem occurs.
PulsaCoil A Class Red Light Flashing Slow
The PulsaCoil A Class red light flashing slow (about 1 flash a second) can mean the following:- PulsaCoil A Class has cooled down and boost is available to use
- The immersion element is faulty and not working
- Contactor or relay has become faulty
- PCB is faulty and not working correctly
- Very rare situation that the Relpol Relay has a fault or has been damaged
- Front panel display is faulty
PulsaCoil A Class Red Light Flashing Fast
The PulsaCoil A Class red light flashing fast (2 + flashes a second) can mean one thing. An overheating fault. The following can be the cause:- Overheat sensor faulty
- Power relay or contactor faulty
- PCB is faulty
- Incorrect wiring